Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.And on the seventh day God ended His work, which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work, which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work, which God had created and made. Genesis 2:1-3
God is the obvious primary subject of the seventh day. If we speak of the lost meaning of the seventh day, that the meaning of the seventh day is now non-existent, then we are really speaking of the meaning that has been lost concerning God!
In the context of the creation, God’s rest is a ceasing from creative activity so He could be with His creation, Adam and Eve. This desire for loving fellowship is God’s purpose for creation. 1John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 The rest on the seventh day plainly defines God’s Love! The rest on the seventh day is plainly a relational marker. Exodus 31:13,16-17, Ezekiel 20:12,20.
The reason why God refrains from further activity on the seventh day, therefore, is that He has found the object of His love and has no need for any further works! What a staggering thought! Praise God for His everlasting love! Jeremiah 31:3, Isaiah 43:1,4,6-7.
So God ceases from working in order to enjoy the company of the person God created, suggesting that the seventh day speaks as much about the value of human beings to God as of God’s valuation of human life!
The God of the seventh day is a near and present God, a person who is committed to Creation and One who is involved in Creation up close and personal. How awesome is that!!
So how do I enter God’s rest?
We enter God’s rest by believing fully in Jesus! Hebrews 4:3.
We enter His rest when we consider Jesus Hebrews 3:1
We enter His rest when we cease completely from our own efforts to earn Salvation Hebrews 4:10.
God’s True Rest Is The Only Rest That Matters!!
Do you have assurance of Salvation this very minute? Or to put it another way: Are you saved right now?
You can have full assurance of your Salvation this very moment!! 1John 5:11-13, Romans 10:9, Jeremiah 31:3
He will blot out your sins(Isaiah 43:25), and save you by His life(Romans 5:10),Making you just like Jesus. 1John 3:2. He is everything to us! 1Corinthians 1:29-31. And Jesus wants to be with you ALWAYS!!!! John 3:16,17, 2Peter 3:9, 1John 4:8,16.
We have the “assurance” of salvation when we “trust” Jesus with our lives, that’s it. Once we trust Jesus, He, our great Heavenly Physician, will perfectly heal and restore us, thus our assurance is in Jesus, not in our future or ourselves. It is just that simple!! John 17:3
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